Meet The Nurse Bee!

Meet The Nurse Bee!

Jun 2nd 2015

Meet The Nurse Bee!

The Nurse Bees are Worker Bees. Worker Bees start out their lives as Cell-Cleaning Bees, who clean out old cells that have been used for eggs and larvae, cap cells that have been filled with Bee Pollen and Honey for storage, and generally do maintenance around the hive. This phase lasts for only the first few days of its life. Then the Workers become Nurse

Bees. Nurse Bees attend the Queen, feeding her Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen and Honey. They clean and lick the Queen and fulfill her every need. Nurse Bees also attend to the baby larvae, feeding them and capping their cells when it is time to pupate. Nurse Bees only secrete Royal Jelly for the first few weeks of their lives. Would you like to see the babies?